Projects Tagged: 'network'

UbiquiCity Website Launched

The #UbiquiCity project now has its own website. Learn more about this ambitious crossover project, and join our email list for updates and announcements!


Support the Art of AS IF

Welcome to 2017, and welcome to a new way of supporting the work of As If Productions! Over at Patreon, I've divided my projects up into separate pages, allowing Patrons to choose the projects they're most interested in supporting. Please check 'em out, every bit helps and there's always lots of work to do!

The following projects are seeking your support at Patreon:

  • AsIf - the central AIP Patreon account, aka the skunkworks.
  • DayTrippers - expansions, supplements and adventure modules.
  • Fictioneers - directory of small-press RPGs and Storygames.
  • StoryGameSpace - online PBP system for enhanced literary play.
  • UbiquiCity - collaborative near-future sourcebook and anthology.
  • 3StringGuitar - just what it sounds like.

Chromatic Chameleon

Chromatic Chameleon is a new game publishing company founded by T Reynolds: a small guild of game lovers whose goal is to create settings for different RPG systems. Their flagship product, the world of Asteria Rising, is in production and will support nearly a dozen great game systems. Keep your eye on this one as it develops!

The website uses Drupal 7, and includes a blog, forum, galleries, and of course a sales catalog.


DayTrippers RPG

The official website of DayTrippers - the surreal science fiction roleplaying game. The site includes listings of all books and supplemental products available for DayTrippers, plus downloads, hacks, updates, even a forum. Check it out, roleplayers!


The As If Collective

The As If Collective is a network of roleplayers, gamers, GMs, Game Designers, artists and neophiles interested in exploring and contributing to experimental applications of narrative engineering. Every month I do 2-4 Releases: each is a minigame, a subsystem, an adventure, a table/chart, a form/sheet, or a web-based tool which will be of interest to Roleplayers, Storygamers and Interactive Fictioneers. As a member of the Collective, you get early access to all of these works in both draft and final form, with the added knowledge that you helped make them happen.



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